Mathematics for Computer Graphics              English


I implemented a new 3d non-rigid registration algorithm. This is the preliminary test result and the program need some adjustment later.(2017.4.11)

Implemantation of “Color Map Optimization for 3D Reconstruction with Consumer Depth Cameras” (2017.4.2)

download the program ColorMap_Optimization_zip

Implementation of "An Intrinsic Coordinate System for 3D Face Registration" (2017.3)

download the program 3dFaceCCS.exe


Implementation of an old single image based facial modeling (2017.2)

download the program

Refer to: A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces. SIGGRAPH 99.

Design a vector field (2016.10)

implementation according to two papers: "Design of 2D Time-Varying Vector Fields" and "Vector Field Design on Surfaces",you can download program at here . The source code is public available.


3d Register程序

download here

2010- 3D scanning and reconstruction、interactive system


体感交互与隔空手写识别,董洪伟,4天基本完成. 2013.7.15-2013.7.18 .


实时手势识别和虚拟书写系统,黄晓林, 2013


结构光三维扫描系统,董洪伟. 2012.


线三维扫描系统,董洪伟. 2010.


2008-2009 Face modeling from images

     We present a new technique for automatically creating highly detailed 3D facial models from images of a human face. The key idea of the image-based facial modeling process is to deform a template mesh model using color consistency metric defined by all input images. We formulate the image-based facial deformation as a continuous optimization problem. Our objective function ensures the deformed surface model not only matches the image measurement across all the input images but also keeps the fine details of the template model. We also employ an efficient gradient-based optimization technique to find an optimal facial model that precisely matches an individual face in input images. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm by testing on both synthetic and real image data..

     I also implemented the algorithm of paper "A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces" so that I could compare it with mine. My algorithm can get better result than its.

2008 网格变形 mesh deformation

I implemented a few papers when I was studying mesh deformation. I read papers about 2 months,then I spend a week to implement the first lapalcian based deforrmation ( paper 1)). In my spare tiem I implement 2) with a few hours and 3) about one day.But there results seems not good enough with the implemtentation of 3) due to the well generated deformation graph. Thanks Olga Sorkine for providing me those test models. My implementation of 3) is not real time which may be resulted from too many nodes in deformation graph.Any suggestions?

1). Lapalcian mesh deformation

2). Olga Sorkine and Marc Alexa. As-rigid-as-possible surface modeling. SGP 2007

The left is deformed with 1) ,right with 2).Download the program here

3). Embedded Deformation for Shape Manipulation . Robert W. Sumner, Johannes Schmid, Mark Pauly SIGGRAPH 2007.

Download the program and the deformation graph code

2005-2008 从散乱点重建三维曲面 3d surface reconstruction from point cloud



与IPD,Level Peeling和Poisson算法的比较

2007 网格分片(分割) mesh segmentaion


图1: Fandisk模型的基于凸凹信号扩展的分割过程:(a) 原始网格模型含6475个顶点,12946个三角形,(b) 顶点凸凹类型:以灰、黄、红、蓝颜色表示平坦点、特征点、凸点、凹点,(c) 平坦区域扩展 (d) 凸凹区域扩展 (e) 区域竞争扩展

2001-2006 玻璃切割 Glass Cutting system

1999-2000: 基于标识的特征造型(博士课题)




基于图像的人体变形.   夏阳,董洪伟,2017


基于深度相机的实时虚拟试衣.   薛传宇,董洪伟.2017





基于视频的心率测量 ,刘蕾,董 洪伟,童晶. 2013.4-2013.6

